

Unofficial library for the Kite Connect trading APIs, written in TypeScript (opens in a new tab).

All classes and APIs are one-to-one with Zerodha's official kiteconnectjs library (opens in a new tab), so your existing code should work as is but with the added benefit of types! You will notice TypeScript's type safety as soon as you initialize a new KiteConnect or KiteTicker class. A bunch of extra types/interfaces are also available and can be used where the type cannot be inferred by TypeScript. See the docs section for more information.

If you notice a bug, please open an issue (opens in a new tab) or consider contributing.


These docs are auto-generated from TsDoc comments using TypeDoc (opens in a new tab), typedoc-plugin-markdown (opens in a new tab) and Nextra (opens in a new tab).

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Code was adapted from kiteconnectjs (opens in a new tab), MIT License, Copyright 2018 Zerodha Technology (opens in a new tab)