Table of Contents





Type Aliases


Tick: TickLtp | TickIndexQuote | TickIndexFull | TickQuote | TickFull

Types of possible tick packet structures


TickerEvent: keyof TickerEvents

All Ticker events


TickerEvents: Object

All Ticker events and their corresponding callback functon signatures.

Type declaration

close() => void | Promise<void>When socket connection is closed cleanly.
connect() => void | Promise<void>When connection is successfully established.
disconnect(error: Error) => void | Promise<void>When socket connection is disconnected. Error is received as a first param.
error(error: Error) => void | Promise<void>When socket connection is closed with error. Error is received as a first param.
message(data: ArrayBuffer) => void | Promise<void>When binary message is received from the server.
noreconnect() => void | Promise<void>When re-connection fails after n number times.
order_update(order: Order) => void | Promise<void>When order update (postback) is received for the connected user (Order is received as first argument).
reconnect(retries: number, interval: number) => void | Promise<void>When reconnecting (current re-connection count and reconnect interval as arguments respectively).
ticks(ticks: any[]) => void | Promise<void>When ticks are available (Arrays of Tick object as the first argument). The type has been purposefully kept as any because the structure of the tick packet is not known and there can be multiple types of tick packets.